Bridging the gap
for changing families

Prenup Lawyer Lincoln, NE

Prenuptial agreements have a bad reputation, but as experienced family law attorneys, we know from experience that having this legal agreement in place before you say, “I do,” can make a separation or divorce much less stressful for both spouses. We consider prenuptial agreements a form of insurance. You don’t plan on getting into a car wreck when you buckle up to drive somewhere, but you have car insurance all the same.

Properly drafted, a prenuptial agreement can preserve specific assets from being considered community property, fairly assign marital debt to each spouse, and establish equitable spousal support should the couple divorce. However, there are certain things that this legal contract can and cannot do, which is why it’s crucial to secure the advice of an experienced Lincoln, NE, prenup lawyer. Whether you’re the spouse requesting the prenup or you’ve been asked to sign one, contact GordenLaw, LLC, today to learn how we can protect your rights.

How Can A Lincoln Prenup Lawyer Help Me?

Couples opt for prenuptial agreements for any reason. People who are getting married for a second or third time may have children from previous marriages and wish to preserve certain assets to pass to the child or may have financial obligations, like alimony or child support, that the other spouse does not want to assume.

A prenuptial agreement can also protect a non-working spouse in relationships where one person is a stay-at-home parent. If you’ve been out of the workforce for years or decades, it can be extremely difficult to secure employment to maintain your standard of living. Or, if you’re a high-earning spouse, you may wish to preserve what you’ve worked so hard for in a divorce.

You have your reasons, and they may have nothing to do with how much you love your intended. But marriage is a legal contract, so it’s wise to have an attorney help you draft a prenuptial agreement that will stand up in court.

Protect Yourself With Legal Preparation

Not all prenuptial agreements may withstand the scrutiny of a Nebraska family law judge. We can properly draft an equitable agreement that still protects your property and interests. If you are asked to sign an agreement, we evaluate your current status and whether that agreement will protect you in years to come.

We can also advise you about what a prenuptial agreement cannot do. There are certain myths about prenups. Legal advice can prevent pitfalls like adding child custody or support arrangements to the agreement or building in other unenforceable stipulations.

Do You Have Questions About Drafting A Prenuptial Agreement?

If you’re considering asking your soon-to-be spouse to sign a prenuptial agreement or if you’ve been asked to sign one yourself, a Lincoln prenup lawyer can help ensure your rights are protected. At GordenLaw, LLC, we advocate for your interests and yours alone. We can create a prenup for you, negotiate terms with your fiancé, or review a prenuptial agreement to ensure it’s fair to you. Call us today to get started.